How to Move Anchor Ads Down the Screen in blogger

How to Move Anchor Ads to the Bottom of the Screen - Still regarding adsense, namely "anchor ads", changing page level ads to auto ads also changes the display style of google adsense anchor ads which sometimes appear at the top of the screen and sometimes appear at the bottom of the screen. So, how do you make anchor ads ads appear only at the bottom of the screen? Check out the explanation of this article to help you solve the problem of anchor ads ads to keep appearing at the bottom of the screen.

In the previous article, I explained how to deal with anchor ads and vignettes that didn't appear or didn't work. Actually, the solution to the problem of anchor ads that appears on the screen has been explained there, but it doesn't hurt if I make a special discussion to move anchor ads to the bottom of the screen (only appears at the bottom of the screen).

To move anchor ads to appear below the screen, you only need to add the code [, overlays: {bottom: true}] in the auto ads ad code. code overlays: {bottom: true} is a command to display google adsense anchor ads at the bottom of the screen. See an example of this application below.

<script async src="//"></script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-2805946xxxxxx582",
enable_page_level_ads: true,
overlays: {bottom: true}

Look carefully, the black script above is the original Google Adsense auto ads code and the orange script is a jquery script to order Anchor / Overlay Ads ads to the bottom of the screen. Adding overlays code: {bottom: true} must be accompanied by a comma (,) for the script to work properly. Please pay close attention to the example above before adding code.

Does adding the script "overlays: {bottom: true}" comply with the adsense rules?

The answer, of course, is appropriate and does not violate the adsense rules, I found the code from the google adsense help article number 7478225. If you want the truth, see here.

Anchor / Overlay Ads are designed to appear at the top and bottom of the mobile device screen alternately, maybe the goal is not to disturb visitors to view site content, but if you only want Anchor / Overlay Ads to appear only at the bottom then follow the tutorial above. So, that's my explanation of how to move Anchor / Overlay Ads ads to the bottom of the screen or still appear at the bottom of the screen. Hopefully this is useful and adds to our knowledge of adsense ads.

Yuk komennya!

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