how to parse the html code in the blog itself

What is HTML parse and what does it do?
For beginner bloggers like me, must have experienced something when writing html script code into posts, once saved, the code disappears. How could that be?

Yup, before entering the html code into your post, you have to parse it first. For master bloggers, they have often done this.

What is HTML parse and what does it do?

Parse when translated literally into Indonesian means parsing, so what parse means here is to parse HTML code into character entities in HTML.

html parse is so important in the world of blogging. you need when you parse your widgets or adsense code so that it can be read with your blog's html. with this can speed up load your blog too.

like the example below. have you ever thought of having it on your blog. congratulations buddy visiting the right blog to solve your problem.

already see the picture above
You can also install your own html parse on your blog. how to copy the code below
enter the didasboar blog> page> create a new page> paste the html tab> save and finish

<script type="text/javascript">
function convert(){var ele1 = document.getElementById("somewhere");var replaced;replaced = ele1.value;replaced = replaced.replace(/&/ig, "&amp;");replaced = replaced.replace(/</ig, "&lt;");replaced = replaced.replace(/>/ig, "&gt;");replaced = replaced.replace(/"/ig, "&quot;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#177;/ig, "&plusmn;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#169;/ig, "&copy;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#174;/ig, "&reg;");replaced = replaced.replace(/ya'll/ig, "ya'll");ele1.value = replaced;}
</script><br />
<table style="margin:0 auto"><tbody>
<tr> <td><textarea id="somewhere" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(248, 248, 248); border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); height: 300px; width: 550px"></textarea><br/>
<input onclick="convert();" style="padding: 5px;" type="button" value="Parse Script" /></td> </tr>

that's all from me, if something is not understood, please comment below or via the contact form. greetings ...

Yuk komennya!

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